Your company name is the unique point on which customers are recognising your business or your products. It can be a huge value for your company as it brings customers and business. This value needs to be protected.A value can only be defi...
There are 45 categories of classes for the definition of goods and services. Most Trademark Offices are using the nice classification for classifying goods and services. The classes are defining the area of business for which you want to register ...
What do you need to consider before registering your trademark? Most application fail because either someone registered the mark beforehand, or because the mark was not distinctive but not descriptive. Going through this list, which is provide...
A Trademark can be signs, in particular words (including personal names) or designs, letters, numerals, colours, sounds, shapes or packaging’s.
Depending of what you would like to protect (word, figure, colour tec.) you ...
Your products and companies are identified via your trademarks. Customers know the names of your products and often these names become references such as Kleenex, Google, Coke etc. So a name is something very important and a huge asset.The...
After filing your Trademark, either via online or offline procedures your Trademark will be processed by EUIPO (European Union Intellectual Property Office) to check that it can be registered.
8.0 Trademark Registration checklist
Before registering a trademark it is important to plan ahead as trademarks may be refused.
This Checklist helps for successfully registering trademarks: